Non-surgical BBL therapy in Scottsdale is a natural vacuum therapy treatment. This Non-surgical BBL treatment breaks down the fat and cellulite, restores the skin’s natural elasticity, and eliminates toxins. It also helps those who have buttock injections to soften the skin from where injections were added. When placed in the right areas we can train the buttocks to lift, and you’ll also be given special undergarment to help train the buttocks.
- Lifts your buttocks by up to 70%
- Instant results
- No surgery, no pain, no downtime!
- Enhanced body tone and shape
- No side effects
- Improves blood circulation
- Tightens & Tones Skin
- Lifts your buttocks by up to 70%
- Instant results
- No surgery, no pain, no downtime!
- Enhanced body tone and shape
- No side effects
- Improves blood circulation
- Tightens & Tones Skin
Vacuum-therapy stimulates muscles and breaks down cellulite and fatty deposits, which eliminates toxins, therefore improving lymphatic drainage. Vacuum therapy also helps restore the skin’s natural elasticity to smooth the appearance of “orange-peel” dimpling in the thighs and buttocks.
This Non-surgical BBL therapy in Scottsdale therapy is painless, safe and highly effective. Vacuum-therapy stimulates the blood and improves lymphatic drainage, stimulates the fibroblasts, and increases collagen elastin, therefore improving the texture and tone of the treated zone.
Treatment can be done twice a week.
- Raises, Enlarges and Reaffirms the Gluteus and Without Surgeries
- Increases the Skin Flexibility
- Releases the Venous and Lymphatic Flow
- Exfoliates the Epidermis Making Skin Softer
- Stimulates Dermis and Hypodermis
- Decreases Muscle Tension